Parallel online-offline reconstruction for three-dimensional space measurement

Bibtex entry :

@misc { pitzer:2012:rdm,
    author = { Matthias Roland and Sebastian Jackisch and Alexander Fietz and Benjamin Pitzer },
    title = { Parallel online-offline reconstruction for three-dimensional space measurement },
    year = { 2012 },
    month = { 02 },
    day = { 02 },
    number = { WO/2012/013388 },
    version = {  },
    location = { US },
    url = { },
    filing_num = { PCT/EP2011/058792 },
    yearfiled = { 2011 },
    monthfiled = { 05 },
    dayfiled = { 30 },
    pat_refs = {  },
    ipc_class = { G01C 11/02 (2006.01), G01C 15/00 (2006.01), G01C 3/08 (2006.01) },
    us_class = {  },
    abstract = { Proposed are a measurement apparatus (3), a measurement system (5) and a corresponding method for automatic three-dimensional measurement of a space (1). The measurement apparatus (3) has a camera sensor array (7) which is configured to generate low-resolution video recordings (31). The camera sensor array (7) is further configured to automatically generate high-resolution images at geometrically suitable positions (15) in the space. Automatic recording of the high-resolution images is based here on a three-dimensional real-time reconstruction (23) of the video recordings. },